Saving a Bridge - A Success Story
eureka missouri meramec bridge missouri preservation success
I’m so very happy to share that the Meramec Bridge, a preservation effort I created products to raise money for, has been saved! While my fundraising of a little over $680 in 4 months was a drop in the bucket of the total that needed to be raised to save the bridge, I’m happy that the outcome was a positive one. Thanks to the amazing efforts of the people involved, the bridge will now be enjoyed by all who visit Route 66 State Park for years to come. To read more about the bridge being saved from demolition, click...
What This Shop Means
Being an artist is a delicate balance of making art because you feel compelled to, making art because you want to make a difference, and desiring to make a living from doing what you love. After 14 years of being solely a digital collage artist and photographer, I'm reconnecting with my graphic design skills to create the designs you see in this shop. I often try to give to organizations that I feel strongly about, but money isn't always plentiful. I've been blessed with the ability to create and I've felt a strong pull as of late to use it to give back...